As followers of Jesus, church isn’t just the place we attend on Sunday morning, it is the family of believers that we belong to. We are the church. As the church, we come together as a body – each part bringing its own special work, helping each of the other parts to grow in order that as a whole, the body is built up in love, becoming more and more in every way like Jesus.  (Ephesians 4:16)

Outside of the Sunday morning church service, these are the primary ways we seek to grow together as the body at Mountainside: 


Each of these small groups bring together the Mountainside family in a range of ages,  

life situations, and points of view, reflecting the beauty of unity in God’s diverse body

and providing the space for regularly sharing meals, prayer, and life as we are transformed

in our understanding of God and following Him.     

Interested in being a part of a Lifegroup at Mountainside?  Sign up here

Men’s and Ladies’ Ministries

Through Bible and book studies, mentorship, and events, Men’s and Ladies’ ministries at Mountainside provide opportunities to come together as groups of men or women to be equipped, encouraged, and engaged.

  • We seek to equip men and women to know God more deeply and trust Him more fully as they live with Him.
  • We seek to encourage men and women in their relationships and routines of life as they are growing as disciples  of Jesus.
  • We seek to offer ways men and women can engage in serving the people and places around them.

See the events page for upcoming ways to be involved.

If you have any questions or are interested in being connected to a mentor for encouragement in walking through a specific situation as a follower of Jesus, we would love to help.

Men’s Ministries: Ben Parsons - email Ben

Ladies’ Ministries: Elizabeth Parsons - email Liz


Jesus’ life is characterized by love that serves. As His followers, we are called to bring our unique contribution to the body in the loving service of others. Whether on campus at Mountainside or in our  community, you have a difference to make.